Changelog V3
MAJOR Changes:
* Assassin class added, a stealthy melee and ranged class that can kill enemies quickly and silently.
* LITE version of Wrath of Cronos added that utilizes Zscript to automatically give custom monsters the scripts neccessary to function in WoC.
* Destroyer's Relentless now increases strength by 4% per hit, up from 2.5%.
* Vanguard's Temperance stacks should now properly function from taking damage.
* Wraithverge spirits have a slightly shorter duration.
* Active Summon Legends are now shown as a powerup icon.
* Divine Light's damage output reduced by 33% and no longer causes pain.
* Purifier's Blessed Ground heals slightly more and has its range increased to 400 units from 256.
* Bloodscourge fires 3 tics slower but passthrough damage slightly increased.
* Archon's Greater Arcane Barrier bonus reduced to 15% from 25%, but allies now receive 75% of the barrier, up from 50%.
* Invigoration replaced with Spinning Slash, a machete ability that does area damage around the Hunter.
* Fan of Knives replaced with Wind Slash, a machete ability that sends out a mid ranged slice of cutting air.
* Sprint replaced with Raven Companion, reworked to be a level 1 ability with the ravens only lasting 30 seconds.
* Wolf Companion added, a powerful wolf for Hunters to call.
* Marksman's Focus now takes three seconds to activate, down from 5, and the damage bonus is kept for one second after moving.
* Active summons are now shown as a powerup icon.
* Rebalanced many of the random spawns.
* Hardest difficulty setting level multiplier reduced to 10% from 25%.
* Director should now properly work for Hexen.
* Mana pickups and weapons now grant a minimum amount of mana.
* Armor can only be damaged from attacks once every second.
* Armor pickups no longer have a lower limit than other items.
* New user CVar to control display of player damage on HuD (WoC_PlayerDamageDisplay).
* Empty Flasks are no longer limited by strength.
Вкратце, была проведена доработка интерфейса, твики, ребаланс некоторых скиллов, багфиксы, а также значительно переработаны скиллы Охотника.
Ну и вишенкой на торте является добавление нового класса Убийца, ориентированного на мили и стэлс геймплэй, а также восстановлена совместимость с новыми гоззами!
Changelog V3A
* None.
* Summon Legend now properly gains damage from the skill.
* None.
* Wolf Companion now properly gains damage from the skill.
* None.
* Deathbringer Arbalest's alternate fire main projectiles now bounce off of surfaces.
* Night Clones now alert nearby enemies when using their crossbow attack.
* Rebalanced many of the random spawns.
* Dark Servants now alert nearby enemies when attacking.
* Black Flask archers now alert nearby enemies when attacking.
* Killing Sprees should no longer cause massive frame drops.
* GZDoom now uses ZScript for handling damage numbers via DamNums and floating health bars via Top HP Bar.
* Floating health bars now only appear when damaged.
* For Zandronum, floating health bars now only update upon taking damage.